This displays the research that I have undertaken and participated in or am currently working on. Providing the paper along with the conference it is submitted to or published in. Research sparks an interest in me and helps me follow my passion. I may not be able to showcase all the information for the ongoing projects, however, for more information about my work or to discuss a collaboration, please feel free to get in touch through the contact page.

Northeastern University
August 2022 - Current
  • Researching with Professor Ab Mosca on Design Spaces for Visualization for Communication and What Is a Visualization for Communication being published in the CHI conference and the Vis Conference and with Professor Robin Walters and PhD student John Park on Gauge-Equivariant Message Passing Neural Networks for Meshes to publish in IEEE. Working with Professor Honyang Zhang and the StatsML group on statistics in machine learning.

Product Mangager
Generate - The Product Development Studio
January 2022 - May 2023
  • Managing a team of 12 engineers and designers to develop a natural language processing algorithm, wireframe prototyping, and branding for Jurni, focusing on mental wellness and insight driven journaling
  • Leading weekly meetings with the team and the clients, scoping project, creating a project charter, setting deadlines and planning project execution while motivating the team and holding technical workshops

Teaching Assistant
Northeastern Univeristy
March 2021 - May 2023
  • Tutoring 89 students for Foundations of Data Science and 30 for Information Presentation and Visualization
  • Grading around 180 assignments and recording in Gradescope and holding 5 hours of office hours a week
  • Guiding 5 project teams to help them navigate different machine learning algorithms
  • Teaching assistant for Managerial Accounting, Foundations of Data Science, Information Presentation and Visualization and Artificial Intelligence

Resident Assistant
Northeastern Univeristy
July 2020 - July 2022
  • Guided 50 undergraduate freshmen through their transition from high school to university
  • Coordinated 25 creative and educational programs on Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and community service

Chief Operations Officer
Disrupt - The FinTech Initiative
January 2020 - December 2022
  • Lead Python and SQL workshops and participate in ideation, design transformation, business plan creation
  • Collaborate with industry professionals, professors and peers to create a new FinTech innovation idea and moderating panel discussions
  • Working on a financial literacy application with three other people using ReactNative and Expo on google firebase database and communicating through GitHub
  • Marketing as a director of marketing using figma, illustrator and canva to create designs and create marketing strategies, increasing our followers three fold
  • Roles in Disrupt: mentee, marketing co-director, technology director, Finnovate team, mentor, vice president, chief operating officer

Chief Technology Officer
January 2021 - March 2022
  • Co-founded to create a bridge between the financially forgotten and the digital world
  • Participated and demoed at the Husky startup challenge being the top 12 finalists
  • Worked with the Bank on Boston to reach the financially forgotten

Data Science Co-op
July 2021 - December 2021
  • Monitored power line data via LiDAR point cloud data, retrieving data and plotting functions
  • Automated engineering processes and data operations for device data analytics to enhance execution by 100%
  • Examined weather-based data for icing detection algorithms and build client facing power-line reports

Sales Representative
Dantara Jewellers
June 2018 - July 2018
  • Managed the inventory of 200 products taking into account their compositions
  • Managed cash flow forecasts that I learnt in school for a branch
  • Interacting with 20 customers and selling the products